
Klassik begeistert

An Outstanding Debut at Berlin’s Philharmonie

At the beginning of the six-week autumn tour stood its first highlight:

The ensemble’s debut at Berlin’s Philharmonie. Robert Schumann’s Cello Concerto, Giovanni Bottesini’s “Gran Duo Concertante”, Paul Hindemith’s “Trauermusik”, Beethoven’s “Kreutzer Sonata” and “Violoncelles, vibrez!” by Giovanni Sollima swept the audience off its feet – literally. Standing ovations and four encores – who could wish for a better start to the concert season?

Review Klassik begeistert (in German)


Braunwald Music Week

The Braunwald Music Week has taken place high above Lake Wallensee since 1936.

The Braunwald Music Week has taken place high above Lake Wallensee since 1936. The festival attracts many young talents, and the LGT Young Soloists always enjoy stopping there for a concert during their summer tour, enjoying the beautiful spa town in the Glarnerland. “Young and passionate, with a sound and intonation that would be hard to match,” the Südostschweiz applauded the ensemble’s performance.


Völlig losgelöst (German)

Neue Musik zum Dahinschmelzen im Raumschiff Elphi: die LGT Young Soloists glänzen mit Tamara Stefanovich.

Die LGT Young Soloists spielten im ausverkauften Haus vor über 2000 Personen.  Beethoven’s Kreutzer Sonata voller Passion und Präzision, ein mitreissendes Violoncelles, vibrez! für zwei Violoncelli und Streichorchester von Giovanni Sollinas, unzählige Standing Ovations, drei Encores,—  das Publikum war elektrisiert.

Westdeutsche Zeitung / O-Ton

A convincing concert in Düsseldorf

Fresh, Brilliant and Full of Drive...

Played by heart, St. Paul’s Suite for string orchestra by Gustav Holst left no doubt that the audience was in for a first-rate evening of classical music. However, this was no over-bred youth orchestra on stage, drilled only to excel – thus the critic. The human harmony among the LGT Young Soloists was also evident: “Even after the first bow-strokes, it is clear that this is no ‘normal’ youthful ensemble. Here, there is a connection at eye level (…) These are professionals, treating one another with the utmost respect. (…) Of course that is also reflected in their playing and the atmosphere on stage.”


Out Of The Box (German)

Sechzehn hochbegabte Musikerinnen und Musiker im Alter zwischen 12 und 23 – die „LGT Young Soloists“ – haben im Januar in Berlin-Dahlem ihre neue CD „Nordic Dreams“ aufgenommen. Die Suche nach der spontan erscheinenden...